If we've said it once, we've said it a million times: local media companies are necessary for big and small advertisers to get their messages across to key, target audiences.
We've got the statistics to prove it in this week's Branded Buzz! Some highlights:
Brands that only advertise on national media platforms are totally missing out on the huge value local media provides.
38% is the incremental audience reach by advertising on local sites in addition to national news platforms. (Source: Vox Media/Neilsen)
Advertisers who distributed their media through a publisher saw a 50% higher brand lift than those who distributed on their own. (Source: Nielsen)
2021 is expected to be a breakout year for content marketing. (Source: Borrell Associates & The Branded Content Project)
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The Branded Content Project is designed through a strategic partnership between the Local Media Association, the Local Media Consortium, and the Facebook Journalism Project to help facilitate additional growth, engagement, and revenue success for more publishers of all shapes and sizes.