Liz Hayes

Jul 21, 20211 min

Branded Buzz: Using calendar events to close sales

Recently a local media member working with The Branded Content Project shared a strategy they're using to try and close a deal with a prospective client. The pitch is a video-based social media campaign designed around an upcoming national holiday that aligns perfectly with the brand. This publication was acutely aware that the tequila company, their target advertiser, would be interested in learning more about promoting its brand with a publisher partnership ahead of National Tequila Day.

This week's Branded Buzz is a reminder that the calendar can very much be your friend as a seller. In addition to always scoping out what kinds of causes and events advertisers care about, you can look to the calendar for upcoming events they may want to align themselves with.

For example, now is the time to seek out health-industry related advertisers about Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is in October. Our series, Women's Wellness, would be a great one to offer as an exclusive sponsorship opportunity, in addition to custom content about the importance of having regular health checks, or whatever else the advertiser would like to educate the audience on.

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The Branded Content Project is designed through a strategic partnership between the Local Media Association, the Local Media Consortium, and the Facebook Journalism Project to help facilitate additional growth, engagement, and revenue success for more publishers of all shapes and sizes.
