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  • Writer's pictureLiz Hayes

The Branded Buzz: Sponsored & Custom Content Combined

Updated: Jun 22, 2021

The local media companies The Branded Content Project is working with are finding sales success with advertisers when combining our sponsored series with custom content.

In this week's Branded Buzz, we hear from Jared Merves, CRO at Distributed Media Lab, who explains why this is the winning combination.

"We really wanted to drive home the point that there's an opportunity to sell these sponsored content programs and then integrated advertiser content to really create sticky, recurring, valuable programs for both your sponsors as well as your media organizations," Merves said. "The reason this makes so much sense is that you're able to help your partners tell their story. That is, you know you can provide that distribution arm to help them get the content they're creating or content you create for them out into the marketplace in front of engaged audiences."

When combining high-quality content designed to inform and engage a specific reader audience for sponsorship purposes with custom content developed for an advertiser that features their brand, product or services you reach a number of goals. You help sponsors tell their story and reach their marketing goals, plus you increase your rate and branded content revenue.

As a local source for news and information, you are uniquely positioned to win your clients' content marketing budgets while providing a huge value to them while generating profit for your organization.


Need more ideas? Discover the Peanut Butter and Jelly Plan

Over the past several months, the Branded Content Project has been working with more than a hundred local media outlets, helping them hone in their content marketing strategies in order to earn new revenue for their company while giving businesses the return on investment by reaching their target audiences.

During that time we’ve discovered that the perfect mix for a media advertising package combines the strength of a sponsorship plan with the important message of storytelling via custom content. There is a lot of success in this area, which we playfully call The Peanut Butter and Jelly Plan.


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The Branded Content Project is designed through a strategic partnership between the Local Media Association, the Local Media Consortium, and the Facebook Journalism Project to help facilitate additional growth, engagement, and revenue success for more publishers of all shapes and sizes.

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